Amber-Always Stay True to Who You Are

My Name is Amber Leahan I’m a 26 year old girl with mild Cerebral Palsy.I debated on sharing this but figured I would even if it just helps one person. I have been through a lot through the years Good and bad. One of the things. I come to realize is how brutal this world is at passing judgement on someone. People will judge you for being different. But in reality we are all the same. We may not all be the same shape or size or walk or talk the same have the same education, what we have in common is a heart and feelings . See people don't look at the inner beauty of people and that is the problem. If we all weren't so quick to judge maybe there wouldn't be so much hate and depression in this world . People will walk in and out of your life. You will wonder why was it me was it because this or because of that?. You have to try and not think like that though maybe that person friend or whoever Just didn't realize how worthy you were and how unique you are. Yes I may need a hand to hold at times or things of that nature But if people can't look at that with positivity then they are not worthy of me and my acceptance. In reality don't we all need that hand. Someone to reach out and let you know that they are there No matter what challenges we may face. Therefore. I never wanted anyone's sympathy yes I have a disability but I'm not any different then the next person. The disability is a part of me it made me who I am today. If someone can't see past your issues then they are not worth your effort. We all have a flaw or something we don't like about us but we have to take it as a part of who we are we can't let it Break us. No one is perfect everyone has there hardships and issues. No one deserves to be judged look down upon or misread. We have to remind ourselves that we are beautiful We have to realize our self worth because once you realize that then things start coming together and you realize how deserving you actually are. No matter what you may face We have to be strong in the face of our challenges because that makes us the strong bad ass people we are today. You are worth it never forget that . Never let your flaws define you always stay true to who you are.💫

Marna Rough