My Crippled Life-Parking on the Blue Lines

Hey Crippled Is Beautiful Fam! I have desperately wanted to share this story with you, and if you follow me on my social media platforms you’ve already heard it. But a while back I went out to my car, here at my apartment and I come to find that a neighbor parked on the blue lines where you are not supposed to park, blocking me from being able to enter my vehicle. She wasn’t handicapped, she had her hazards on like it was no big deal. Basically what you’re doing when you park like that is you’re taking away my free will. I have the right to be able to leave my home whenever I want, I have the right to get in my car at my leisure. But when you park like that you make it completely impossible for me to get my ramp down. And to get in my car, so you’re fundamentally taking away my free will and it’s not OK. It is completely 100% inappropriate. It’s illegal and it’s not kind. So, to say the least I flipped my lid, I will say I’m not proud of the way I behaved but I definitely had to handle it because she had no remorse, she did not feel guilty at all. If you are an able-bodied person who has parked in or on the blue lines you are not doing anything right. The person whom has the handicapped placard is in the right. If they speak up and you feel as if you are being attacked, YOU ARE WRONG. Us as a disabled community should never feel as if we have done something wrong in this scenario. We did not screw you over in any which way, you broke the law, you inconvenienced us and our lives are already an inconvenience, so if you ever want to park on the blue lines or illegally park in a handicapped spot think about it, think about what you’re taking away from the disabled community and don’t try to pin it on us, do not try to make us feel bad, it is not fair and it is not OK. I’m glad i have this platform to share with you guys. And I hope it helps some of my beauties to speak up and fight for their right. I hope that this brings awareness to what we have to go through and how the abled community can make it better for us.

-Marna Michele

Marna Rough