Fouad-In A Blink Of An Eye

The Whole Story

Whenever someone tells their story, they start at the turning point in their life, that point where everything changed. I would rather tell you this version of the story, the true one, not the one that is embellished for maximum effect. I was a child, a nine year old child, I got up one morning and went to school not expecting what happened. Next, little did I know that my life was about to transform after the day ended at school, I woke up months later in a strange place with strange people who spoke a language i had only recently started to learn, that place rather that country was France. I was shocked to learn that I was in a major car accident and had sustained a brain injury which left me, at first, paralyzed all over besides my right arm and hand… trust me this story has a happy ending. At one point I thought my life was ruined completely but I had never been more wrong. You see before my accident I had been a "christian" not really understanding what Coptic orthodox meant so the first question you obviously ask is why? why me? why now? just why? And then I started thinking there must be something bigger at play, there simply must, so I turned to the one place most people go when they feel lost and I felt more lost than a vessel a drift in an open ocean. Little by little I was retaught everything yet I still have not mastered using chopsticks. Little by little bit  by bit slowly but steadily I regained my abilities I re learned how to do the important things like walk and training my short term memory, honestly I would rather spare you the details as this is not a sad story, this is going to sound a little bit cliche but its simple my faith that saved me, amazing isn't it? Now, lets fast forward because my story is a long one. I live here now, in this state of mind that life is worth living no matter what. If a nine year old boy who survived that horror and is writing an article about it can survive then anyone can surely do it.

My life now is full of people I would have never met if I hadn't been through that hell or what I call a blessing in disguise. If my brain injury had never occurred I would have never felt Gods love and the infinite blessings that he has bestowed on to me, so appreciate those things, appreciate your legs, appreciate your hands, appreciate your memories and keep faith that there is something bigger at play. I am sorry, but I have to say it…everything happens for a reason you just have to shut up, stop asking why and listen for an answer. Regardless of whether or not you asked a question trust me you will come out a better person. So, be grateful be, thankful and know that not everyone has what you have. If you have a mom and dad appreciate them and honor them, if you have younger siblings teach them and most importantly if you have a spouse understand that everything that hurts you hurts them. Please hold onto them because in a blink of an eye it could all change 

Marna Rough