My Crippled Life-Keep The Faith

You ever feel like the world is against you? Like nothing is going your way? Honestly, I am positive we have all been there. And like my parents say to me, I’m here to say to you...”keep the faith baby”.

All my life I’ve only ever wanted to be a singer. I’ve only ever wanted to succeed at my music and to show the world what I am capable of as a musician. I have always made YouTube videos, I’ve auditioned for multiple shows, I write my own music and I’ve now put out singles and I’m working on my album. Even though I’m doing all of this and I am sure to the average person it may seem as if I am succeeding I feel like I’m not accomplishing anything. I look at what I’ve created and I’m definitely proud. But I am also fearful that this is where it ends. That nothing will come from what I have created. I want to be positive, I want to reassure myself and reassure you that your hard work, my hard work will pay off in the end.

Our dreams are just that, they are figments of our imagination that are so far out of our reach we may not even touch them. But if we do try our hardest then who knows what will come out of it. Life is a frightening thing it is full of failures full of sorrow but also full of laughter and joy and success. We have to keep believing in ourselves and fighting for what we want. We are the writers of our own story. This blog post may seem very random and you’re wondering what point is she trying to make, I’m trying to say that I believe in you and I believe in me and I believe that if we put our best foot forward or our best “wheel” forward we will succeed and the world will see how accomplished and worth it we really are.

Every person has their struggles, every person goes through tragedies, every person experiences loss and every person is scared of their future. As a disabled person, it seems like the world is against us but we have to know that the world is against everyone. If you keep fighting for what you want and never give up something has to come from it, right? I remember I used to think that I was dealt the worst card because I was born deformed, I was born disabled, I wasn’t perfect. I was dealt a bad card in my eyes but that’s not the case if anything my disability has made me more aware of my surroundings, more aware of my accomplishments and more aware that I can do most anything I put my mind to. Well that’s not true I’m never going to be able to walk as hard as I put my mind to it. But that’s just the way it goes. And that doesn’t deter me from trying to become a recording artist or trying to become a business owner my disability does not stop me from trying. For instance crippled is beautiful would not have come to life if I was a physically able-bodied person. I’m thankful that I have this path that I’m on because of the community that I’m able to be a part of. It is such a beautiful thing, to have these people that are going through almost exactly what you’re going through.

-Marna Michele

Marna Rough